So, I've been having these problems lately. Physical problems. I'm getting older, and as life would have it, experiencing new situations and new obstacles. One of them is my health... I've made some major changes to my diet that have proved successful, however I still have some work to do on my muscles and joints. Some work being a lot of work.
Some people know about my back problems; my neck problems; my teeth problems; my knee problems... some know it's a problem; some know it's miserable; some know it affects everything about my daily life. The knee problems have subsided greatly, though are coming up a bit more lately. The teeth problems are manageable with the right funds... which I am now starting to acquire (Hoorah!). The back and neck problems are those which require more attention. But I digress.
What I'm writing about today, are the new problems. Yippee! Have I said the word 'problem/s' enough yet? These new... ailments... are becoming quite bothersome. For the past week, I have slowly acquired severe aches in my right shoulder, elbow, and wrist. Now, many different reasons could add up as to why I feel this pain, but I'm not here to diagnosis anything. As I was sitting here, I noticed my wrist was quite sore, so I held my phone in my left hand (which was resting, as my right hand clicked away at a game), and laid my wrist down. It ached, it pulsed, it was tired. I realized, right then and there, that I was constantly using my hands all day! Constantly! Now, I'm sure this is true for most of us; but merely minutes beforehand, I had been playing a game on the laptop AND a game on my phone, simultaneously! Which, I quickly realized was a bit muuuch, and retired to just one game. Nevertheless- movement, motion, a constant interaction with something else.
It also brought to mind my smoking problem. Part of the addiction is having something in your hand, your mouth... (man, that is SO what she said!). A habitual business of a body part is half, sometimes most of the battle. It all makes sense! I simply cannot put my hands down! At work, I'm always doing something with my hands! And if it's slow, and there's little work to be done, you best believe they're flipping through the menu, or tapping along to a song, or fixing my clothing, anything! Anything... to keep moving. Even now, I'm on the damn computer... Well, hands, take a break! You've been workin' overtime at well below the pay rate. We have our future to think of, and our future, is in... our... oh, this is too cheesy!... hannnds =)
Carpel tunnel can be the issue since your hands work so hard at your day job.