Ahh... life. Beautiful, fascinating, immeasurable... life. I have done so much research, analyzing and thinking this morning, I may in fact need to start a separate blog, simply for these thoughts! I'm not sure where I want to go with this post, for there is so much information racing across my mind. I'm drawn to the power of knowledge, but even more so to the theories of life, love, energy; the unknown. For what do we really know to be true?
Last night, though I didn't finish it, I watched a good majority of a film titled 'What The %*!# Do We Know?'. It questions what life actually is, and who we actually are. Now, quantum physics and theories which surround it are pretty new to me, though I have pondered the same ideas reflected on in this film. From what I gathered, it is the study of energy and perception, and the particles which make up what we 'see' in life. Why do I quote the word see? Seeing is perceiving, perception is believing. What we perceive determines what we believe to be true. However, when looking closely at the tiniest forms of life and energy, atoms and electrons and what have you, we discover infinite possibilities to the meaning of life and why we are here. These studies show that particles are constantly moving, in and out of existence, forming what we know to be tangible life, creating the world we live in. When we acknowledge these particles, they are in a stationary state, in the sense that they exist only in one place. This is our perception, what our mind wants to see, therefore creating reality. So, in theory, we are CREATING OUR OWN REALITY.
Now, bear with me here, as I am trying to form words to something I am only now discovering... if you can grasp what quantum physics is explaining to us, you will feel shocked and overwhelmed. We create our own reality? So in essence, the world we view only exists as it is because we chose it to be that way? That is a responsibility that we, as human beings, are not apt to accept. I, however, am. When you think about it, we all live in our own reality, our own lives, our own story, and our own perception of what life is and how it affects us. Just as I recently talked about our perception of Monday, (where most people dread this day, yet I look forward to it), it is all a matter of how we perceive it. Someone who starts their work week on this day, perhaps at a job they personally loathe, will view this day as something they dislike. However, someone like me, whose only day off lands on Monday, will view it as a day to look forward to. This applies to everything in life. Everything we do, everything we see, everything we experience; it's all a matter of perception.
This is one, tiny aspect of what I am learning about. There is an infinite amount of topics I would like to discuss concerning these studies. But for today, let's think about that in this sense: perception is everything. If you perceive something to be unpleasant or harmful, it will be, to you. If you perceive something to be pleasant or alluring, it will be, again, to you. Choosing to view life and the world as something beautiful and thrilling can and will open doors to a happier state of mind, leaving your heart open to the positive energy floating about the world. We all have an affect on the world, those around us, and ourselves. We hold a power so strong, that we often fear and ignore it, allowing our lives to continue to exist in the perception we are trained to attain. However, when we acknowledge and embrace our power, the possibilities in life are increasingly vast and endless... So. Use your power for good! I truly believe that if we all came to a better understanding of our own power of perception, life could and would be much, much different. It's within every single one of us, just aching to be utilized.
PS. If I completely lost you in this rant, I apologize. More to come, I assure you that! =)
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