Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Express, Explore, Experience

Hey everyone! Let me just start by saying.....


Now, let me follow that by saying, THIS.... is my year! For one, I am making some of the scariest and most exciting changes of my life this year. For two, my favorite number is 13. So... there's that! That means something, right? Right...? Right.   

All not-as-funny-as-I-planned-it joking aside, I feel like this year will define me more than any year of my life so far. Moving to San Diego to pursue music seems so surreal to me... it hadn't really sunk in until these last couple of days, having now visited said future home. Visiting the home I will soon call home, seeing the people I love so very much, and feeling said love, coupled with undying support... it's all real, baby! It was right there, within my reach! I really feel it now, the reality of it all. It's a new adventure, the first of many to come, and I couldn't. be. more. flipping. EXCITED.

Aaand terrified... because it is! Terrifying. Everything is going to change for me, one way or another. Opportunities are going to present themselves (and already have!), and I have to be ready for them. I cannot sit by any longer, letting my dreams and passions go to waste. I'm not the best singer. I'm not the best writer. I'm definitely not the best guitar player. And I'm not the best person. However. I'm much better than I give myself credit for, and I'm tired of putting myself down. Letting myself down. I don't deserve to act that way, and I don't deserve to be treated that way.

It's my belief that too often, we settle. Settle for someone not right for us. Settle for the jobs we hate. Settle for dreams living only in our heads. Settle for lives we never wanted to live. Settle, settle, settle... Doesn't look like it's spelled right anymore, does it? Just me?

Anyways. The moral of this story is: I'm tired of settling. Solely going to work and coming home is no life for someone with such a vivid imagination, dreamy-eyed wonder, and passion for the world. I want to express... explore... experience. In fact, I like that! (Title!) Those are my goals. My New Years Resolutions, if you will. This is my year to embody exactly who I am. What I am no longer is someone who simply sits on the sidelines. I'm in the game, and I'm focused. I may never do or be anything I want, but I certainly won't get anywhere near it if I never try. I suggest you do the same. Make this your year, too. Live for the moment, live for your dreams, and never give up on yourself. Your actions control your outcome, not the other way around. Cheers to 2013!

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