Thursday, August 23, 2012

Another One Bites The Dust...

Well, Los Angeles... you've done it again! Driven somebody wonderful away...
I've seen this happen time and time again, but I tell ya', this one is hard to watch. LA has a sinister way of chewing people up and spitting them out, without any remorse what-so-ever. Why does this happen? What can I really say about LA that we don't already know? It's a make it or break it town, and it's breaking more and more people... every day.

Every day, lives are lost on the streets.
Every day, dreams are crushed beneath its feet.
Every day, people are destroyed...

Yet still, individuals and families continually flock to the great big city of Los Angeles, hopes and dreams in hand, eyes on the prize, ready to be included in the All-American Dream. But what is the "All-American Dream"? Perhaps that's our greatest problem; our expectations. Yearning for material items, big promotions, fame, fortune... what about... happiness? Shouldn't this be our core goal? It's certainly mine...

As I grow older, I feel more and more people pull away from this city. Some of the greatest people I know are continuously griping about the conditions in this place. And with good reason! I see it; I get it. However, I find myself quite happy here. I do have a high tolerance for that which most do not... but, I'm not just tolerating this town, I'm loving this town.

There's beauty in its diversity.
There's hope in the air.
There's faith in its people.

Yes, there are flaws everywhere, but what city doesn't have its flaws?? What situations don't have their obstacles? Life is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, but as I've said before, (and will say so much more!), happiness originates within. Furthermore, I think finding true happiness isn't about where you are, but who you are; and what you generate within yourself to find said happiness in life.

Every day, I look around and see the good in people. I see the bad, too... but I have a tendency to look past the bad and find the good in any situation, and any person. We all have good within us, but sometimes, life draws our weaknesses out and shines a spotlight on them. Part of why I choose to stay, besides feeling like my time is not through here just yet, is because... if all of the good people fled "terrible" cities, who would be left?? Are we to just leave these places to rot? Or is it better to try and instill some good in the lives of those lost?

So many thoughts on this topic... I want to write more about this, but I need to do some more research. And get some more sleep. Being sleep deprived is HORRENDOUS for writing!!! So, I'll leave you with this:

Running away from your problems only leaves a trail of regret. Don't give up; don't back down. Remember, we're all in this together. We're all looking for happiness. And we all depend on each other for love and support. Change the world, one person, one moment at a time. Embrace the world. It's all we've got <3

1 comment:

  1. I saw so many people come and go in NYC. Big cities are revolving doors. Like Dorothy coined in the classic film the Wizard of Oz, "people come and go so quickly here." Los Angeles is the same, I was at the yoga studio today and a young woman who was living here chasing her dreams had chosen along with her boyfriend to give Oregon and a new life a shot. She seemed so happy with her new choice, embracing her new found evolving spirit. Of course a lot of people choose to leave the big cities due to the high cost of living. I left NYC and now I miss it so much as much as I do love Los Angeles.
